Without Unmarried Equality, Gender Equality is Not Enough

An article by Bella De Paulo in Psychology Today.

“Do Married People–Especially Women–Have Healthier Hearts? Yes, New Study Finds”

Yahoo Shine interviews UE’s executive director Cindy Butler in, “Do Married People–Especially Women–Have Healthier Hearts? Yes, New Study Finds,” on February 1, 2013.

“Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage?”

Cindy Butler talks about the growing rate of unmarried cohabitation in the U.S. on "Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage?" on The KJ5000 Show BlogTalkRadio on December 4, 2012.

“Cindy Is Speaking Up For Unmarried Americans”

The Washington Times interviews UE’s executive director in, "Cindy Is Speaking Up For Unmarried Americans" on November 18, 2012. 

“Not Married, Not Single”

UE receives a mention in an article written by former UE Board member Kevin Maillard for Essence magazine, "Not Married, Not Single."  You can find the article in the November issue, or read it here.

“I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do”

Time magazine interviews former UE Board Member, Tom Amoroso in, "I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do" in the August 6, 2012 issue. *We are pursuing rights to link to the article.

Don’t leave us out!

UE speaks out in a New York Times opinion piece by Cindy, "Unmarried and Ignored by the GOP."

“Single: The New Married?”

Cindy Butler talks about the implications of the rising rate of singlehood and the declining rate of marriage on "Single- the New Married" on Relationships360 BlogTalkRadio on March 15, 2012. 

“More Couples Stay Happily Unmarried”

"More couples stay happily unmarried" Atlanta Journal-Constitution, March 11, 2012. UE Executive Director Cindy Butler addresses the unfair difficulties cohabiting partners face in an effort to care for one another.

February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012. The New York Times. Kevin Noble Maillard, associate professor of law at Syracuse University in New York and UE Board member’s opinion piece, “Beyond Marriage, Blood or Adoption.”